Celebrating 2020!


2020 produces big wins!

It's true that 2020 dealt us some big challenges. All of us were impacted in one way or another by the COVID pandemic and we were left, like so many other organizations, with the obstacle of doing what we do .... but in a different way.

Even with all that came at us out of left field we still has AMAZING success in 2020 and we want to share that with you... because it's because of supporters like you that we could deem this past year a success.

In 2020....

  • We served 455 children. Volunteers and staff GALs worked together to ensure that advocacy was still happening even if virtually. While serving these children took on a different form during the pandemic, we pulled together to change these children's stories.
  • 31 children were adopted. This is HUGE and definitely something to celebrate! That means 31 kids now have forever homes. They aren't waiting and wondering what's going to happen to them.... their case is closed, but more importantly they can begin living today and dreaming of tomorrow.
  • 130 children were successfully reunified with their biological parents. This is part of the "job" we don't talk about often. However, while we are working to advocate for a child, often times their parent(s) are working on themselves to become better parents and better providers. It's not an easy road and sometimes they don't make it. But when they do and we know that the child can go home to healthy, stable parents and homelife... that is a win!

Awesome volunteers make for awesome results...

  • More than 10 new volunteers join us in 2020. We are thrilled when volunteers are sworn into their role as a CASA. When we share those photos of volunteers in a courtroom, with a judge, with their hands raised... that means they've completed the application process and the training to begin changing a child's story. Our volunteers are the lifeblood of our mission!
  • We celebrated Anne and Stan Ferguson... a husband and wife duo who have been CASA volunteers for 10 years! (pictured bottom left) Because of their service, they received a beautifully embroidered blanket. It's the perfect way for us to wrap our appreciation around dedicated volunteers like Anne and Stan.
  • We celebrated Jackie Boyle who celebrated 5 years of service to Northeastern Indiana CASA! (pictured bottom right) Jackie is a dynamite voice for CASA. She offers her time and talents in so many ways!! In addition to being a volunteer advocate, she also facilitates the 30-hour initial training for new volunteers. She not only facilitates the training but also does the prep work that goes into these trainings. She goes above and beyond for us!!
  • We celebrated all our volunteers ... just a bit differently in 2020. Typically in the fall we hold a volunteer appreciation banquet where we honor and celebrate our volunteers. This year that looked a little different with smaller gatherings as we could fit them in. However, we were still overflowing with applause and gratitude for the amazing volunteers we get to call CASAs.

New leadership from within...

  • Earlier in 2020, we saw the promotion of Brooke Griggs who took on the role of Executive Director. Shortly behind her was another promotion. Abby Gabet took the role of Volunteer Coordinator. Both moves created an exciting future for our organization!

Palooza delays and shifts brought virtual success...

Each year we gear up for CASA Palooza in the spring. We look forward to hosting our amazing food and drink vendors and seeing how competitive the auction can get! We know you love it, too! This year, we chose to delay the event from April to later in the fall. However, when things with the pandemic weren't letting up, we chose to shift to a virtual auction option. 

This meant we weren't able to enjoy the food and drinks that usually come along with Palooza, but we still had a lot of great auction items to bid on and even some competitiveness happening online. 

With the support of some amazing local companies and businesses sponsoring the event, as well as those of you who showed up to participate and bid... we were still able to raise more than $21,000. 

Looking ahead into 2021...

Now that 2020 is behind us and we're well into the new year, we are excited for what this year brings. We still can't predict 100% what all is to come, but we have a vision and we need your help!
  • We need your help in getting the word out! This year, we would like to encourage you to share CASA with those you know. Something as little as sharing or liking something we post on social media might be the thing that introduces CASA to a would-be volunteer or supporter. Plus... we know you talk to folks, even if it's virtually. So when the conversation shifts to community involvement, remember CASA and tell them about who we are and what we do!
  • We need your help volunteering! If you or someone you know is interested in giving back to their community, we would love to talk about volunteer opportunities. The only way we can continue to serve 455 children is with volunteer help. Unfortunately, the need for CASAs grows each year and in 2021, the number of children who need us will be more than the 455 we served. So consider how you can get involved.
  • We need your financial support! Each dollar you give stays here in our area to support our efforts right here in Northeast Indiana. You can give online and this year, we're asking you to give generously. Choose to give a one-time gift, or each month... either way, we are so grateful for the financial support you offer! Or you may be so inclined to hold a fundraiser on our behalf... that works for us, too!

As we move ahead into 2021, we are so grateful for all that we can celebrate from 2020. But the mission is still ours to change a child's story and we know we can't do this alone. We're hoping that you see yourself in our 2021 success story! You let us know how you might want to get involved and we'll be sure to plug you in where you fit.
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Everyday Heroes: Meet Debbie


New staff members join CASA