Give to our mission


What do you have to give?

Northeastern Indiana CASA provides a voice for powerless children involved in judicial proceedings; advocates for their best interests; and strives to improve their circumstances and quality of life.

It is our goal to provide a CASA to every child. We currently have eight staff members and 35 volunteers that have served around 510 kiddos this year throughout DeKalb, LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, and Whitley counties.

At this time we currently have zero kiddos on our wait-list but we continue to receive new cases almost every day, so our need for volunteers and funding never go away!

How will you help? We need your donations and financial support. We also need you and other community members like you to get involved.

Click here to donate online

Everyone has something to give. It’s about the collective spirit of generosity that brings change to our communities when people give their voice, their time, their talent, or their money. For our organization, your donation gives us a chance to talk about why we care so much about the work that we do and why we are so passionate about #changeachildsstory.

What can you give? Click here to donate now